Faculty Profile
Saimunnahar Ritu
Department of Urban and Regional Planning
Pabna University of Science and Technology
Pabna, Bangladesh
Contact Information
saimunnahar@pust.ac.bd (Office)
saimunritu@gmail.com (Personal)
Total Publications: 6

Biography (1)
- Saimunnahar Ritu is working as a Faculty Member (Lecturer) in the Department of Urban and Regional Planning (URP), Pabna University of Science and Technology (PUST). She holds bachelor’s in Urban and Regional Planning (BURP) and a Master's degrees in URP and another specialized Master's in GIS for environmental development with proven academic excellence from Jahangirnagar University. Before joining academia, she gained 8 years of experience in development and humanitarian work, including 5 years as a GIS specialist at the UN's Food and Agriculture Organization.
Administrative or Other Experience (4)
- Program Officer (August 2016 – February 2018), Network for Information, Response And Preparedness Activities on Disaster (NIRAPAD)
- Urban planning Facilitator (March 2018 – May 2018), Development Design Consultant, Comilla City Corporation
- National Consultant: GIS and Remote Sensing (June 2018- July 2019), Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (Dhaka)
- National GIS Specialist (August 2019 -December 2023), Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (Cox’s Bazar and Dhaka)
Previous Research Project (3)
- Seismic vulnerability assessment on non-structural elements of district and upazila level hospitals in Bangladesh: A case study of Moulvibazar.
- Road network efficiency assessment of secondary towns in Bangladesh: A case study of Manikganj Paurashava.
- An analytical endeavor of corridor planning to enhance the multimodal experience: case study of Gabtoli to Farmgate corridor.
External Affiliation (1)
- Member of Bangladesh Institutes of Planners (BIP)
Journal Articles (6)
- Rahman, Mohammad & Ritu, Saimunnahar. (2018). An Analysis of Corridor Planning to Enhance the Multimodal Service: Case Study of 'Gabtoli to Farmgate' Route. Volume XXXIX. 91-103. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/342448445_An_Analysis_of_Corridor_Planning_to_Enhance_the_Multimodal_Service_Case_Study_of_'Gabtoli_to_Farmgate'_Route
- Henry, M., Iqbal, Z., Johnson, K. et al. A multi-purpose National Forest Inventory in Bangladesh: design, operationalisation and key results. For. Ecosyst. 8, 12 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1186/s40663-021-00284-1
- Khushi, U.K., Ritu, S., Agriculture Development in a Village at Saturia, Manikganj: A Planning Perspective, (2021). Journal of Bangladesh Institute of Planners, Vol. 13, 2020 (Printed in June 2021), pp. 121-138, ISSN 2075-9363, https://www.bip.org.bd/admin/uploads/bip-publication/publication-29/paper/HJ6FVCUTKP01NEOXZ3M7GLD28.pdf
- Mahamud R., Jalal R., Ritu S. et al. (2022). Restoring degraded land in Rohingya refugee camps in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh. https://www.fao.org/3/cc0518en/cc0518en.pdf
- Mahalder, Bidyuth & Ali, Md & Ritu, Saimunnahar. (2023). Homestead Gardening Guidelines-Vegetable production for household consumption using minimal space in Rohingya camps and host communities.
- Jalal, R.; Mahamud, R.; Arif, M.T.A.; Ritu, S.; Kumar, M.F.; et al. (2023). Restoring Degraded Landscapes through an Integrated Approach Using Geospatial Technologies in the Context of the Humanitarian Crisis in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh. Land 2023, 12, 352. https://doi.org/10.3390/land12020352
Conducted Courses (9)
- URP 3106 - Geographic Information System (GIS) Lab - 1
- URP 3105 - Geographic Information System (GIS) - 1
- URP 3109 - Water Resource Planning
- URP 2104- Site and Area Planning (Lab)
- URP 3109- Water Resource Planning
- URP 2103- Neighborhood and Landscape Design
- URP 4201- Urban Governance
- URP 4117- Tourism Planning
- Urban 4101 - Legal Basis of Planning